Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Logical Fallacies in the Third Presidential Debate

The question asked was, "What happened in Benghazi, Libya and was there a policy failure?" Romney responded with a Red Herring by not getting to the point of whether or not there was a policy failure, he never had a direct answer. He started talking about his own agenda and what life was like in Iran and about them being four years closer to a nuclear weapon. He also talked about all of the different terrorists and terrorist attacks in the different countries around the middle east, such as Mali, Egypt, and the surrounding region.
During Obama's answer to the same question as stated before he went into an Ad Hominem stating that, "Romney's strategy, previously, has been one that is been all over the map, and is not designed to keep Americans safe or to build on the opportunities that exist in the middle east." He attacked Romney rather than sticking to the question. His attack had no relevance to the question of what happened in Libya. He then attacked Romney again, stating that Romney thought Russia was  the biggest geopolitical threat facing America.
The next question was, "Should we reassess our policy in Syria?" Obama replied with a False Dichotomy suggesting that if we provide arms to Syria, that those arms will then be used against the United States. He was just looking at the one option and not looking said option in a logical manner.
Romney then states that Obama tries to use the Appeal to Authority when dealing with the tumultuous situation in the middle east. He said that the United Nations and Kofianon wanted to try and have a cease fire, that didn't work so Obama went then to the Russians to see if they could do anything. Romney is using this technique to point out that Obama is trying to appeal to authority.

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