Sunday, September 9, 2012

Free Write #2

Have you ever...
Gone skinny dipping in the middle of a deserted lake with a best friend while it's pouring down rain and about 45 degrees out? I don't think many have but that is why my friend Jessie and I are crazy I guess. It all started when our families decided to go to the lake because we needed a day off and the day we chose just happened to be a cold and rainy day. We went up to an island we always go to on the Hungary Horse Reservoir and made a fire. Jessie and I made a bed out of blankets, towels, and clothes, grabbed our books and curled up but the fire. I was almost asleep when Jess asked me if I wanted to go take the boat out for a joy ride. I said of course and we left our warm bed for the rain, wind and cold water. We decided to go in the middle of the reservoir and jump in. The water was actually warmer than the air. While swimming in the rain and cold Jess suggested that we go skinny dipping and I was all for it thinking summer was coming to a close and we would have to move on with our lives and would never get this moment back.
We are crazy by definition and have had some great times and stories together but this is by far one of our best. While we were swimming around naked we were laughing and praying no boats would drove past us when all of the sudden we hear a rumble and a splash and sure enough here comes a giant boat careening towards us. Both of us screaming laughing and scrambling to get back into the boat where we had swim suits towels and warm clothes finally managed to get in the boat and get fully clothed when we looked around for the boat and it was no where in sight. All our scrambling and laughter was for nothing, it seemed that the boat had just vanished off the cold rain filled lake.

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