Sunday, September 9, 2012

Free Write #3

Have you ever...
I'm not the type of girl that waits for a big adventure, no I go searching for some grand and death-defying adventure. My type of adventure is climbing up 3,000 feet of an old volcanic mountain on four-wheelers, across shale and monstrous rocks, grass and dirt sliding all the way, punching the throttle and climbing up hills with unthinkable angles. Adventure is hanging on for dear life, praying that your four-wheeler tires keep hugging the surface of the earth rather than careening down the mountain side. Adventure is the thrill of knowing that if your body doesn’t move with the four-wheeler correctly you could die. The best part of my adventure was the reward I received after successfully reaching the peak of the mountain. I had a 360 degree view of miles stretching on as far as the eye could see. I watched as the hills rolled on and on in gold and green waves. I was so consumed with the beauty of it all that I had to sit down. I then took inventory of my surroundings: butterflies that flew around like flames dancing freely on the warm, beautiful, yet deserted mountaintop. The flaming butterflies danced above a sea of deep purple, blue, white, and yellow wildflowers. This peak of mountain, this peak of adventure was literally breathtaking! I then realised the adventure was far from over; I still had to make it back down.  

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