Monday, September 24, 2012

Show don't tell!

Prompt: Spring will be here soon.

As I prepare myself for the first few steps out into what I expect to be the frozen tundra of winter in Montana, I am shocked to see the pure white fluffy snow in my yard has drastically decreased in size. I can hear the brown muddy water trickling down my dirt road which still is in the clutches of ice in a few places where the ice refused to relinquish it's hold on the gravel and dirt. I look closely at the places where the snow has finally given itself to the soil underneath and can see the new grass trying with all its might to push through the dirt and dead grass left from the previous fall. As I walk down our winding concrete sidewalk I see the snow has vanished in our once beautiful flower gardens, leaving only little bright green buds of flowers still to come, hoping to bring a new and beautiful experience into the world with its life. I then stop to listen not only do I hear the trickle of the melting snow but I hear the birds sing their glorious song of praise and excitement as the cold days start to disperse. I close my eyes and just stand there listening to all the sounds of the coming spring and I realise that I'm beginning to get warm! The sun is out and brighter than I have seen it in what seems like ages. The light rays coming down to the earth and tickling the new life that sticks up through the moist and rich soil. I look at my uncle's horses and see they are pregnant! The best part of spring is the new life that comes with a new time.

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