Monday, November 5, 2012

research topic ideas and questions

The origin of track and field
Greek Mythology~the study of the gods
The Milky Way
Prohibition in Montana
Mental and physical benefits of exercise
The origin of sailing
Walt Disney

Topic: The Origin of Track and Field
1) How did it come about?
2) What kind of events did they have?
3) Origin of the rules of track and field
4) How has track and field changed over the centuries?

Topic: Greek Mythology~the study of the gods
1) Who were the different gods?
2) What was the reasoning behind the Greek gods?
3) What are some of the present day beliefs that have come from the history of the gods?
4) What were the rolls that the gods played in people's lives over the years?

Topic: Dreams
1) What are the different stages of dreams?
2) How do dreams help us cope with everyday life?
3) What causes nightmares?
4) Why do we dream?

Topic: The Milky Way
1) The study of the constellations.
2) What type of matter makes up the Milky Way?
3) How do we study the Milky Way?
4) How do we know the location of the Milky Way?

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