Tuesday, December 4, 2012

interview write up

Interview with Mr. David Hembroff, astronomy teacher at Glacier High.

Question 1)
      Do black holes need specific elements to live?
Answer 1)
      No they do not. Astronomers are begining to believe there are new stars before the birth of black holes called quark stars but that is new and still unknown information.

Question 2)
      What happens to objects that are eaten by black holes?
Answer 2)
      A thing called spaghetification, where person A would be watching person B falling into the event horizon and would see person B stretch and continue to stretch. Person B would seem to think that time would stop and would also be able to see infront of them as well as behind them at the same time. Reality becomes distorted. No one really knows beyond this what happens to the objects that black holes eat.

Question 3)
      Do black holes die? If so how? If not, what happens to them?
Answer 3)
      Astronomers aren't sure if black holes die. A possible theory that black holes evaporate. This is uncertain though.

Question 4)
       How do we study something we can't see?
Answer 4)
       We study the effects on things around black holes. We watch the radiation of black holes and see how they eat stars and could possible eat entire galaxies. We see the effects the black hole has on stars and galaxies.

Question 5)
        What happened to all the black holes that were around in the early universe?
Answer 5)
        It depends on what you believe. The jury is still out on this subject. It is unknown and is a very controversial subject.

Question 6)
        How long do black holes live?
Answer 6)
       This is unknown. Depends on what you believe. The event horizon of black holes may just grow in size as the mass of a black hole grows and never go away.

Question 7)
       What is Hawking radiation?
Answer 7)
       This is a new theory and is still unknown if it is true. It has to do with quantum physics. There are two particles that will be split by a black hole. One particle will be pulled into the black hole while the other escapes. There is not enough information for this theory though. We have a four million solar mass black hole at the center of galaxy and there are larger black holes out there some billions of solar masses in size.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Annotation for cites

The Benevolence of Black Holes: I believe this is a great cite because it tells me what black holes eat. It also gives me a small idea of how they survive and how they work. It tells me what black holes do, how they work.

Goldilocks Black Holes: This cite tells me how black holes are born and how they act. It tells me how stars act around them and why. This cite is about the actions of black holes.

How to Find Something You Can't See: This cite tells us how astronomers are studying things they cannot see. It tells us how they are using new equipment to find and analyse black holes. This knowledge helps us better understand black holes.

At edge of black hole, a star Albert Einstein would have loved: This cite tells of a star being whipped around a black hole. This is usefull for me because it gives more detail on how black holes work, and function. It also goes into some detail of what goes on in the outter layer of a black hole.

Supermassive black holes are cannibals, new research suggests: I love black holes becuase they eat everything and this cite tells how black holes eat other black holes. I think this is impressive! This cite also give details of how black holes work and how they are able to eat other black holes.

What goes on at the edge of a black hole? NASA launches NuSTAR to find out: This cite tells of the future and how astronomers have sent out a new space telescope to a black hole inorder to gain more understanding of what happens at the outter edge of black holes.

interiew questions

1) How are black holes born?

2) How do black holes survive?

3) Do black holes need specific elements to survive?

4) What happens to the objects that black holes eat up?

5) Do black holes die? If so, how? If not, what happens to them?

6) Hole do they function and move around? How do they work?

7) How do we study something we can't see?

8) How do we know black holes even exist if we can't see them?

9) What happened to all the black holes that were around in the early universe?

10) Is Hawking radiation true?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Final sources

Scharf, Caleb. "THE BENEVOLENCE OF BLACK HOLES. (Cover Story)." Scientific American 306.8 (2012): 34-39. Academic Search Elite. Web. 21 Nov. 2012.
Greene, Jenny E. "Goldilocks Black Holes." Scientific American 306.1 (2012): 40-47. Academic Search Elite. Web. 21 Nov. 2012.
Cowen, Robert C. "How to Find Something You Can't See." Christian Science Monitor. Jan. 4 2007: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 21 Nov 2012.

Spotts, Pete. "At edge of black hole, a star Albert Einstein would have loved." Christian Science Monitor 04 Oct. 2012: N.PAG. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

Spotts, Pete. "Supermassive black holes are cannibals, new research suggests." Christian Science Monitor 16 Feb. 2012: N.PAG. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

Spotts, Pete. "What goes on at the edge of a black hole? NASA launches NuSTAR to find out." Christian Science Monitor 13 June 2012: N.PAG. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Life of the Black Hole

I began this research paper wanting to learn more about and to write about either, the origin of track and field or about the Greek gods. After taking much time trying to narrow down these two topics, I had to admit defeat and resorted to researching dreams. This ended with me worse off than my first desired topics. I then went to my last resort; the universe. I found many ted talks on the topic of the universe and I narrowed down my writing topic to the life of a black hole.
I want to know so much about black holes. I find them fascinating simply because we can't see them yet we know they are there. I want to know how they are born, how they survive, how they die, if they die. I want to know what happens to the things they eat. I took astronomy last semester at Glacier High and I fell in love with. Because it was a semester course I didn't get the details I would have liked to get on anything and only have a small understanding of black holes. The paper will help me get a better understanding of what exactly a black hole is and what it does.
What happens to the things that black holes eat? How do black holes work? Do black holes die? If they don't die why not and what happens to them? These are only a few questions I have and I want to gain more knowledge on the subject. I'm simply fascinated by the universe and I hope that by writing this paper I can gain a better understanding and appreciation of the universe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Works Cited

STScl. "Copyright Notice." HubbleSite -. NASA, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. http://hubblesite.org/about_us/copyright.php.

HEASARC. "Imagine The Universe! Home Page." Imagine The Universe! Home Page. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1997. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.

Astronomy Department. "Welcome to Ask an Astronomer at Cornell University." Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer. Cornell University, 25 Sept. 2002. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/index.php.

"Black Hole News." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012. http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/space_time/black_holes/.

Ted Talk_Black Holes

This Ted Talk on black holes was very helpful. I found it amazing that we cannot see black holes yet we know they are there. I also hope that one day we do get the technology we need to hear what the universe sounds like. I love the galaxies, stars, planets, and the universe. I think it is so amazing that we know so little about something so grand! The beauty of the universe is indescribable and I want to know as much about it as I can, especially something so dark and powerful, and we cannot even see it!
I love the mystery of black holes. We cannot see them yet we see their destruction throughout the universe. We see light disappear and never return when sucked into a black hole, and we have no idea why it never returns.

Monday, November 5, 2012

research topic ideas and questions

The origin of track and field
Greek Mythology~the study of the gods
The Milky Way
Prohibition in Montana
Mental and physical benefits of exercise
The origin of sailing
Walt Disney

Topic: The Origin of Track and Field
1) How did it come about?
2) What kind of events did they have?
3) Origin of the rules of track and field
4) How has track and field changed over the centuries?

Topic: Greek Mythology~the study of the gods
1) Who were the different gods?
2) What was the reasoning behind the Greek gods?
3) What are some of the present day beliefs that have come from the history of the gods?
4) What were the rolls that the gods played in people's lives over the years?

Topic: Dreams
1) What are the different stages of dreams?
2) How do dreams help us cope with everyday life?
3) What causes nightmares?
4) Why do we dream?

Topic: The Milky Way
1) The study of the constellations.
2) What type of matter makes up the Milky Way?
3) How do we study the Milky Way?
4) How do we know the location of the Milky Way?

Logical Fallacies

These are all ad populum fallacies. The reason the dog is an ad populum is because it is clearly a dog, but the dog is generalizing that because it has four legs, as does a cat, it must be a cat. This dog could easily think it was a bear, zebra, or cow for that matter. Ad populum is an appeal to the people or the majority. This dog thinks that because all cats have four legs, like he does, he must be a cat because the majority says so.
The Pope is commiting an ad populum fallacy because he is saying that a billion catholics, or the majority of catholics, can not be wrong when in fact he is wrong. He is going with the majority of the people therefore the people can not be wrong.  
The third and final comic strip is an ad populum because the Muslim said that if one person thinks that all the one and a half billion Muslims are wrong than that one person is clearly wrong. The reply to this was the four and a half billion non-muslims couldn't pssibly be wrong. In actuality they all could be wrong and the majority has no true say in it if they are wrong.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Logical Fallacies in the Third Presidential Debate

The question asked was, "What happened in Benghazi, Libya and was there a policy failure?" Romney responded with a Red Herring by not getting to the point of whether or not there was a policy failure, he never had a direct answer. He started talking about his own agenda and what life was like in Iran and about them being four years closer to a nuclear weapon. He also talked about all of the different terrorists and terrorist attacks in the different countries around the middle east, such as Mali, Egypt, and the surrounding region.
During Obama's answer to the same question as stated before he went into an Ad Hominem stating that, "Romney's strategy, previously, has been one that is been all over the map, and is not designed to keep Americans safe or to build on the opportunities that exist in the middle east." He attacked Romney rather than sticking to the question. His attack had no relevance to the question of what happened in Libya. He then attacked Romney again, stating that Romney thought Russia was  the biggest geopolitical threat facing America.
The next question was, "Should we reassess our policy in Syria?" Obama replied with a False Dichotomy suggesting that if we provide arms to Syria, that those arms will then be used against the United States. He was just looking at the one option and not looking said option in a logical manner.
Romney then states that Obama tries to use the Appeal to Authority when dealing with the tumultuous situation in the middle east. He said that the United Nations and Kofianon wanted to try and have a cease fire, that didn't work so Obama went then to the Russians to see if they could do anything. Romney is using this technique to point out that Obama is trying to appeal to authority.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

helpful sources_capital punishment

I find this source very helpful because it gives both points of view from several different people. It also covers many questions that may arrise with the topic of capital punishment. I have used this source before and have found it very helpful. It gives the pros and the cons of the topic and has no bias opinion. The information given is from respectable sources. I also like that it gives you more informaation on subtopics, such as background, moral, legal, and social issues. It also gives other alternatives to the topic or issue at hand. I think it will be usefull because it does give all sides to my topic.

I like this source because it gives also all the sides of the issue and it also gives a religious based view on the matter at hand. I think it's good to have a religious based opinion also stated in writing. I personally believe that people need to know all sides including religious sides, no matter their beliefs.  This source also covers many subtopics that revolve around the main topic. I think it is helpful to give the reader more information on the subject at hand so that they can decide for themselves what their opinion will be on the matter.

This site is purely cases describing why people have or have not been put on death row. I think it will be useful because it will give different situations with different outcomes; whether it be a person being put on death row because of mental issues or because they blatently murder eight people. This way the reader knows that everyone is punished for their crimes no matter if they do have a mental dissability or not. It gives so much information on so many different issues people have come across with the death penalty that all sides will be covered.

This site is purely one-hundred percent site that will allow me to look at other sites for further information about capital punishment. I believe this will be very helpful because it leads me to other sites about the area in which I am studying. I will only need to wonder about a subtopic of capital punishment and this site will give me full access to any site that would be related to capital punishent. This way it will be easier to acccess all the information which I will desire or need. I personally love sites like this and think it is an enormous help to me.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tim O'Brien Response

I believe Tim O'Brien's exploration of truth, reality, and morals of story telling are in a way twisted. I actually understand, in a way, the complications of which is fact and which is fiction when dealing with war stories. As he stated, people do not like to hear of all the gore, blood, depression, and death. People do not like hearing about that much less trying to comprehend that soldiers and others live in such a life. Those who do not have to deal with the reality of war seem to just ignore it and not try to place themselves in the situation, it is to much for some to handle.
I believe, no matter the controversy of whether it is right or wrong, that you should always tell the truth when telling war stories. People need to know what our troops go through daily! We cannot be oblivious to the world around us. We need to be able to trust writers through war stories; they are our only way we could possibly try to understand what soldiers go through. If we can get an infinitesimal understanding of what war is like we will, or we should, be able to relate with them and feel their pain.
Reality is something that is different for everyone. For those who have been through the war and have lived the life their reality could be the complete opposite of you or I. For them they could see death as a blessing while one who have not been through war could see it as a curse. Reality has no sound definition for everyone. It changes from person to person.
Morals also change from person to person. When one has to decide at the last possible second, whether it is right or wrong to leave behind a man or take him, kill someone or let them live, morals get thrown out the window. I see nothing wrong with this because I do not know what soldiers go through during times of war and I pray that I never have to make that choice. Our sense of morals, I believe, have gotten lost over the past decades. What once was terribly wrong is now acceptable.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Show don't tell!

Prompt: Spring will be here soon.

As I prepare myself for the first few steps out into what I expect to be the frozen tundra of winter in Montana, I am shocked to see the pure white fluffy snow in my yard has drastically decreased in size. I can hear the brown muddy water trickling down my dirt road which still is in the clutches of ice in a few places where the ice refused to relinquish it's hold on the gravel and dirt. I look closely at the places where the snow has finally given itself to the soil underneath and can see the new grass trying with all its might to push through the dirt and dead grass left from the previous fall. As I walk down our winding concrete sidewalk I see the snow has vanished in our once beautiful flower gardens, leaving only little bright green buds of flowers still to come, hoping to bring a new and beautiful experience into the world with its life. I then stop to listen not only do I hear the trickle of the melting snow but I hear the birds sing their glorious song of praise and excitement as the cold days start to disperse. I close my eyes and just stand there listening to all the sounds of the coming spring and I realise that I'm beginning to get warm! The sun is out and brighter than I have seen it in what seems like ages. The light rays coming down to the earth and tickling the new life that sticks up through the moist and rich soil. I look at my uncle's horses and see they are pregnant! The best part of spring is the new life that comes with a new time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


There Sage and I sat on my bedroom floor, not knowing what to do with our lives when I had a brilliant idea.
“Sage, let us go out for breakfast! How much money do you have?” I inquired, hoping she would have enough for herself and me.
“Hmmm, let me look. I have got about thirty-five cents,” she said with disappointment at the small amount she held out to me. We both look down pitifully into her cold white palm.
“Thirty-five cents?” I wonder, making sure I heard her correctly.
“Well, that and some pocket lint.” She replies with a smile. Such is the life of a poor college student.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Free Write #3

Have you ever...
I'm not the type of girl that waits for a big adventure, no I go searching for some grand and death-defying adventure. My type of adventure is climbing up 3,000 feet of an old volcanic mountain on four-wheelers, across shale and monstrous rocks, grass and dirt sliding all the way, punching the throttle and climbing up hills with unthinkable angles. Adventure is hanging on for dear life, praying that your four-wheeler tires keep hugging the surface of the earth rather than careening down the mountain side. Adventure is the thrill of knowing that if your body doesn’t move with the four-wheeler correctly you could die. The best part of my adventure was the reward I received after successfully reaching the peak of the mountain. I had a 360 degree view of miles stretching on as far as the eye could see. I watched as the hills rolled on and on in gold and green waves. I was so consumed with the beauty of it all that I had to sit down. I then took inventory of my surroundings: butterflies that flew around like flames dancing freely on the warm, beautiful, yet deserted mountaintop. The flaming butterflies danced above a sea of deep purple, blue, white, and yellow wildflowers. This peak of mountain, this peak of adventure was literally breathtaking! I then realised the adventure was far from over; I still had to make it back down.  

Free Write #2

Have you ever...
Gone skinny dipping in the middle of a deserted lake with a best friend while it's pouring down rain and about 45 degrees out? I don't think many have but that is why my friend Jessie and I are crazy I guess. It all started when our families decided to go to the lake because we needed a day off and the day we chose just happened to be a cold and rainy day. We went up to an island we always go to on the Hungary Horse Reservoir and made a fire. Jessie and I made a bed out of blankets, towels, and clothes, grabbed our books and curled up but the fire. I was almost asleep when Jess asked me if I wanted to go take the boat out for a joy ride. I said of course and we left our warm bed for the rain, wind and cold water. We decided to go in the middle of the reservoir and jump in. The water was actually warmer than the air. While swimming in the rain and cold Jess suggested that we go skinny dipping and I was all for it thinking summer was coming to a close and we would have to move on with our lives and would never get this moment back.
We are crazy by definition and have had some great times and stories together but this is by far one of our best. While we were swimming around naked we were laughing and praying no boats would drove past us when all of the sudden we hear a rumble and a splash and sure enough here comes a giant boat careening towards us. Both of us screaming laughing and scrambling to get back into the boat where we had swim suits towels and warm clothes finally managed to get in the boat and get fully clothed when we looked around for the boat and it was no where in sight. All our scrambling and laughter was for nothing, it seemed that the boat had just vanished off the cold rain filled lake.

Free Writing #1

Have you ever...
Won divisionals for the discus? It's the most exciting feeling in the world! The adrenalin that courses through your veins and your mind, the excitement buzzing all around you, your team, and your coaches. Nothing in my life has even come close to comparing to the happiness i encountered that day.
This was what I call my first "real" track season, seeing how I went to Stillwater and their school really didn't have much for a track team much less a throwing team. But here at Glacier my rookie year I won the event I love and worked my butt off in. I spent all of the winter training and working out in order to have a grand and successful season. Track is my passion, the discus is my love. You see my mom threw the discus in high school at Flathead and her senior year she threw over 145 feet still holding the record at Flathead. She is my coach and my inspiration and I'm going to beat her record and hold it here at Glacier.
When I threw 104 feet at the beginning of the season I was ecstatic. I knew it was going to be a great season! Then we had a meet in Whitefish and I went down hill from there for about three weeks. I worked harder, spent more time at the discus ring, lifted more, stayed later, just hoping I would regain my longer distances in throwing. I got the opportunity to be coached by the two time Olympian Jarred Rome. He gave me a few pointers and with his expert help I threw the disc over 120 feet. This distance was farther than some of the guy distances. I was proud and excited. I could never hit that distance in a meet though. I could never get that flow, that relaxation, that rhythm running through my body again. When the time came for the divisional teams to be chosen I was chosen because I had the second best throw in the season but I was so nervous! I kept wondering what I would do if I didn't make it to the state meet. Would I let my mom down? Would I let my other coaches down? What about my team mates? I had so many worries.
We were all out warming up, me and my four other team mates. Getting ready for the big moment. I was throwing in the last flight putting me with the best in the west. I was nervous and told mom about my nerves. She simply told me that if your nervous, that means your ready. I didn't believe her. We each got three throws then the top 10 would go to finals and get three more throws. I threw my first throw out of sector. This was a disappointment to me and everyone. Mom would always tell me to get my best throw first then the pressure would be off me and I could just relax for the next two. Well my body and mind decided to ignore her expert advice. I then had my second throw after a few coaching tips and the good news was it was in sector but was only about a 95 foot throw which would get me into finals but was not good at all knowing that my best was 111 feet 9 inches.
I went for a jog to clear my head and keep focused. I came back and most of the track coaches were there cheering me on. Some of them who had known me since the day of my birth and others who had gotten to know me just this season. I will never forget seeing Jerry Boschee, Mike McLean, Brad Holloway, Dirk Niebaum, Bree Fuque, and my mom all lined up amidst other coaches there cheering for me. Now Mike has a booming and incredibly loud voice which is why he is such a good long distance coach because he can be heard from any place on the track. He told me to go out there and get after it. I just smiled and walked into the ring, head held high, telling myself I could do it, this was it and I was gonna do it.
I let out a deep sigh thought of my key points I needed to focus on and started into my spin. Getting my hip out over my left knee, kicking my right leg up and through to get to center, shooting my left foot forward, staying as far back as I could with my upper body, keeping the torque I knew I needed, then finally throwing my left arm out to open for my right arm to come and whip the disc around and send it flying. I didn't watch my disc fly but from what my coaches and especially my mom tell me the flight couldn't have been better. I just stood in the ring until the official called mark letting me know I could leave. I walked out and had the biggest and brightest smile on my face because I knew it was the best throw of my career thus far. I stood by anxiously waiting for the official to read my mark for the entire crowd to hear. There seconds ticked by seeming like years when finally I heard him call out, "one hundred eighteen feet nine inches." I screamed, jumped in the air and stuck my tongue out in happiness. I then ran to my mom and jumped in her arms giving her a hug. I knew I was going to win divisionals now. The closest mark to mine was a throw of 113 feet.
We went into finals and sure enough I ended up on top. With everyone I love and care about there cheering me on. I felt so accomplished and with good reason. I stand at five feet four inches and for a discus thrower that is tiny considering my competitors stood over five feet nine inches. When I was on the stand to receive my medal some of the girls were shoulder to should with me and still I couldn't look down on them but right in the eye with them.
I guess my mom was right, "If your nervous, that means your ready." I was ready and this made me the best in the west.
Have you ever...
  • Climbed up over 3,000 feet up mountain while riding four-wheelers?
  • Rolled a Go-cart with your nearest and dearest friend
  • Gone skinny dipping in the rain on a desserted lake?
  • Gone hunting in Whitlash Montana?
  • Hosted a foreign exchange student from France?
  • Traveled to Ione Washington for a family reunion?
  • Spent a week on the Oregon Coast with your family and friends?
  • Had your dog burn down your kitchen?
  • Played in the state tournamnet for basketball?
  • Won divisionals for the discus?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Google Docs Explanation

Instead of having all these extra copies of documents and attachments, Google Docs simplifies lives by getting rid of all the clutter. I love to save everything I write and all my computer work so using Goodle Docs would make my life more simple by allowing me to use the internet everywhere I go. Not having to carry around a flash drive or my own computer will be much less stressful.
Google Docs will also make work much easier. I can use the calendar to keep my work schedule with my where ever I go, again keeping me organized. This way I can combine my social schedule with my working schedule on my cell phone.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just exploring

My name is Abby Carlson. I've lived here in Kalispell MT for all 17 years of my glorious life. I am currently a senior in high school and taking running start classes. We're gonna see how it goes!